Defence Minister Dimitris Avramopoulos' meeting with the former Vice President of the Government and former Minister Theodoros Pagkalos

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10 Mar 2014
  • Αβραμόπουλος Avramopoulos

The Minister of National Defence, Dimitris Avramopoulos, met today with the former Vice President of the Government and former Minister Theodoros Pagkalos, from whom he asked to represent the Greek Presidency at the Military Committee of the European Union, meeting on March 12, 2014, in Brussels, and he will do so. 

In this meeting, traditionally, a personality of public and political life of the Presiding country is invited to a working lunch, and he also participates as key note speaker, presenting views concerning European completion in matters of geopolitics and strategy. 

The Military Representatives of EU country-members, as well as the representatives of the European External Action Service, the Committee and the Council, also participate. 

The representative of the Presiding country typically holds no governmental post, however he has acknowledged experience and contribution to public affairs in his country, and he must have served in posts of governmental responsibility in these areas. 

The issues that will be discussed during the working lunch are European defence completion, European energy security, as well as the generation of European army, in the context of European contribution to global stability. 

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